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Protecting your ROI


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CLEMSON University:  “In areas like middle Georgia where peaches are everywhere, it’s almost like you have to have all those trees under disruption for it to work. In areas where it’s less densely planted, like in the upstate of South Carolina and the upstate of Georgia where you have small peach orchards isolated from each other, the mating disruption can work really well on its own.” - Dr. Brett Blaauw


VT/PSC/WVU:  Comparison of Mating Disruption and Insecticide Application for Control of Peachtree Borer and Lesser Peachtree Borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in Peach:  “ Damage from S. exitiosa (PTB) is generally confined to the trunk and roots near the soil line, while damage from S. pictipes (LPTB) occurs in the upper trunk and scaffold limbs. Consecutive infestation and larval feeding seasons can result in a decline in tree health and vigor, increase susceptibility to disease and damage from other pests, or, in severe cases, cause tree death from girdling of major scaffold limbs and/or the trunk.” Insects. 2020 Oct; 11(10): 658;  Daniel L. Frank, Stephen Starcher, and Rakesh S. Chandran


CORNELL University:  Economic Impact of a three-year project entitled:  Evaluating Long Term Risks/Benefits of Area Wide Mating Disruption of Codling Moth in New York:   “…under high codling moth populations on a 50-acre farm, in high yielding processing orchards, growers could easily pay the added cost and make $400 - $17,000 added profit just by reducing damage and increasing quality/value of the fruit in the first year. ….The use of mating disruption improved net cash flow over three years from $2,298 for Cortland at 900 bu. per acre and $6,053 improved net cash flow for Idared at the $13/$7 per cwt for processing/juice at a production of 1,212 bu./acre.” Deborah I. Breth, Senior Extension Associate, Cornell Cooperative Extension

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